"Crimson Horizon" (Part One)

By DJMethodist

A Real-Time, Group MSTing done by Some Weirdos at NetRaptor's Chatroom
Hosted and edited by Captain Chaotica!!
Original story rated PG-13 at Fanfiction.net.
MSTing starts in 5...

TITLE: "Crimson Horizon"

Spiky the Fox: Like, a sunset?
Captain Chaotica: Crimson Horizon? Is that anything like "red skies at night, sailors' delight"?
Sonicoman: *sarcastically* Well doesn't that sound cliche.
Juice the hedgehog: No, more like, blood in the streets... *is up to mah ankles*
supertails2001: No no no, it's "Red skies at night, the city's probably burning".
Sonicoman: Crimson Horizon perhaps as in the rocky and burdened trials of a maiden's future?

by: DJMethodist

#Nyperold: A DJ for a radio station that plays hymn remixes?

Okay, So I don't own any of these characters cept for Krystel.

Juice the hedgehog: So then, why are you using them, dork?
ShadowRittach: Oh god, how many times has THAT name been used?
#Nyperold: I thought she was Rareware's?
Spiky the Fox: I'm owned by six people.
Captain Chaotica: And DJMethodist's "ceptic" tank broke the other day, too.

Unless of course Sega made a char like that and I don't know, but anyway, this is just

Captain Chaotica: ...a very bad story! :P
#Nyperold: ...pathetic.
supertails2001: ...a rock.

another fanfic, I don't think itll get into lemon but well see

Captain Chaotica: Oh dear lord I _hope_ not...
Juice the hedgehog: Not at that rating, you're not!
Sonicoman: Mmmm, lemons...
#Nyperold: We shall well see if it goes sour.

The sun rose up over the mountains and cast long shadows over the city. The light shone over everything on the town and eventually reached a large,

Captain Chaotica: ...Pancake restaurant.
#Nyperold: ...order of fries.
Juice the hedgehog: ...fish stick.
Spiky the Fox: ...meteorite?
Sonicoman: ...bunch of MiSTing idiots...
#pangolin: ...spoon.
Sonicoman: You guys are making me REALLY hungry, I hope you know that.

steel apartment building. The rays shone through the windows, gleaming off of various objects, leaving reflected light on the ceiling and walls. One of

Captain Chaotica: ...the buildings decided to put on its sunblock so that it wouldn't burn.
#Nyperold: ...Seven transmitted this information to the other Borg.

the rays reflected off of a mirror, and shone onto a very familiar two- tailed Fox's face

#Nyperold: Ol' Whatsisname! I could never forget him!
Captain Chaotica: SHIPPO!! Oh, wait, he doesn't have two tails...
Sonicoman: (Tails:) GAAAH! MY EYES!
#pangolin: (as Tails) I'm blind!
supertails2001: Was it - Dangit, CC, you keep stealing my lines!
Juice the hedgehog: Two tailed fox: who the heck are these people?

Tails woke up with a very long and gentle yawn, his adorable ears folded to the sides of his head and his emerald eyes opening very slowly.

Spiky the Fox: Tails's eyes are "sapphire".
Sonicoman: Wait wait lemme get this straight....he has emerald eyes?
#Nyperold: He just needs 5 more to become... SUPER TAILS!
supertails2001: The descriptions slowly piled on the sentence until it snapped off at the period.
Captain Chaotica: ...and then he wondered who had put contacts in his eyes while he was asleep! AAAA! PROWLERS!

He glanced around a second and then looked out the window, high up on the tenth floor of his apartment he had moved into after leaving Sonic back with

Spiky the Fox: ...the biolizard.
ShadowRittach: ...rabid weasels.
Sonicoman: ...a destroyed room and a large headache.
supertails2001: ...his mountains of debt.
#pangolin: ...Amy. (As Sonic) HELP!
#Nyperold: ...the robotic version of him.
Spiky the Fox: He owns a ten-floor apartment?

Amy. Tails sat up on the side of his bed, setting his feet on the floor and standing slowly, stretching his back and all his limbs

Captain Chaotica: Including the collection of pickled arms and legs he kept in the SECRET room in the back...
supertails2001: --snapped off at the joints. He fell off the bed. "Ow, that's the third time this week!"
#Nyperold: --were diseased. He needed a tree surgeon, pronto!
#pangolin: Including his Tails? How do you manage that.

Tails slid his shirt off over his head and

#Nyperold: --the author swooned.
Captain Chaotica: ...wondered "How the heck did I get a shirt all of a sudden? I usually go nude!"
ShadowRittach: --fell over, cracking his arm in half.
#pangolin: --was attacked by a fangirl.
Juice the hedgehog: --was naked.
supertails2001: EWWW! NUDITY! *stamps a censor on the screen*

turned the shower knob, the water spraying down onto the white porcelain tub, he shut the wood door

Captain Chaotica: ...and wondered where the shrieking violin music was suddenly coming from...
supertails2001: --and wondered what that Stalk-O-Cam was doing in his shower.
Juice the hedgehog: A wood door on a shower?

behind him, setting the lock in place and slipped off his boxers, exposing his (EDIT: Er...self. I didn't know you could get AWAY with describing private parts in detail in a PG-13 fic!)

ShadowRittach:: O.o
supertails2001:: My eyes! Aaugh! *spouts blood*
Captain Chaotica: ...and closed the door right on his tails! BWAHAHA!

He lifted up his foot, stepping into the shower

ShadowRittach: ...and slipped on a bar of soap.
Spiky the Fox: and slipped on the bannana peel.
#pangolin: Which ATE him!
supertails2001: ...and tripped on the drainplug! HA!
Captain Chaotica: (as Tails) Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have closed that wooden door until AFTER I was IN the shower...

and he leaned against the wall, letting the water wet his fur and slide down and off his body

Captain Chaotica: (water) AACCK! GET ME OFF THIS BODY! AAAACCCKKK!
#Nyperold: He's a duck!
supertails2001: Then, the fourth wall gave way, and the shocked audience stared at Tails, who stared back.
#Nyperold: Or maybe he just weighs as much as a duck...
Captain Chaotica: ...and that's when Tails discovered that somehow, he had fallen into Yahzuniichuan without knowing it...
#sonicsamus23: In which case... He's made of wood...
#pangolin: However, it was actually ACID! Soon, Tails was a cancerous puddle on the floor.
KatWarriorPrincess: So he managed to recover from the soap fiasco, eh?
#Nyperold: So.... he's Duck Tails!
Sonicoman: ^^
Spiky the Fox: XD
KatWarriorPrincess: XD
Sonicoman: I love that show.

Tails closed his eyes, running his hands over his chest, working

Captain Chaotica: (singing) --in a coal mine, going down down down...
#Nyperold: (sings) 9 to 5...
Juice the hedgehog: on his university paper
supertails2001: on the drawing he was painting on the shower wall in soap - "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!"
Spiky the Fox: ...hard to stay dry.
KatWarriorPrincess: Working? Geez, he considers that labor? He IS weak!
#pangolin: ...on his Sonic impression.

up the moisture and thought of yesterday when he had met a young, pretty new hedgehog who had just moved to Station Square.

Captain Chaotica: And here she is, ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for our GUEST MARY SUE! (fake applause)
#Nyperold: Krystel, I presume.
Juice the hedgehog: More like, cheesy sue...
KatWarriorPrincess: *throws tomatoes at the Mary-sue... who isn't officially introduced but we know is coming...*
Spiky the Fox: *hands Kat bricks*
#pangolin: She was SO hot, that she melted the street as she walked by.

Her name was Krystel and she was a gentle green colored hedgehog femme,

supertails2001: --fatale, which means she died!
ShadowRittach: Oh, ANOTHER oddly colored hedgehog. Nice.
Captain Chaotica: What exactly would be a _rough_ shade of green?
#Nyperold: Hmm. Green.
KatWarriorPrincess: She was sick. XD
Spiky the Fox: With Green Fever.

she had a slightly punkish look to her, three strand of her hair

supertails2001: ...sticking out of each of her ears.
Captain Chaotica: And that's all. She was mostly bald! OH the horrors!
Juice the hedgehog: She only had three strands of hair...Charlie Brown in disguise!
Spiky the Fox: The grammar is so bad I can't hardly understand it.
KatWarriorPrincess: She stole Tails' hair-do.

running over one side of her face,

Juice the hedgehog: Better catch 'em!
Spiky the Fox: ...down to her ankles.
supertails2001: --which had been burned in a horrible accident that makes her even hotter.
KatWarriorPrincess: Does she have tire-tracks on her face, now?
#Nyperold: Too bad it was hair and not, say, a semi.
Captain Chaotica: Her hair was training for the Boston Marathon.

her eyes were a dark blue color, gentle yet they had to hide her true nature.

Spiky the Fox: But her eyes were liars.
Captain Chaotica: And her true nature was...AN AXE MURDERER! MWAHAHAHAHA!!
#Nyperold: Which is to say, she was an insufferable whiny brat.
Captain Chaotica: Well, _that's_ a given so far, with this fic.
KatWarriorPrincess: Angsty past alert!
Juice the hedgehog: --or lusty Alien alert!
KatWarriorPrincess: The alien thing makes since... she IS green...

She wore a dark red tank top, her arms

KatWarriorPrincess: Tank top stained with blood!
Captain Chaotica: ...were severed at the shoulder.
Juice the hedgehog: ...hanging to the ground.
#pangolin: ...ended in hideous, clawed, deformed hands.
#Nyperold: ...grew even MORE fur during the full moon...

and shoulders showing, only her chest and upper back were covered and her navel had a ring through it.

Juice the hedgehog: So, she was in the navy, too?
Captain Chaotica: Oh, great, a sexy, _scantily-clad_ Mary Sue, too, no less.
KatWarriorPrincess: The only kind there is, CC...
Captain Chaotica: Although nobody knew _why_ she wanted to put an earring through her orange...
#pangolin: She had a _whole_ NAVY?
#Nyperold: I guess that's ONE way to keep from losing all your rings...
Juice the hedgehog: Did that one keep her alive, I wonder?

She also had 3 earrings in the top of each ear

#pangolin: Since when did piercing yourself make you look good?
Spiky the Fox: --and they were HEAVY!
#Nyperold: 7 golden riiiiiings...
#pangolin: Making her top-heavy!
#Nyperold: She's probably already top-heavy, considering how the author has described her so far...
Captain Chaotica: This new method of carrying one's Power Rings never caught on, fortunately.

and she had a silver necklace draping over her shoulders and the pendant nestled between her breasts.

KatWarriorPrincess: Why was Tails looking THERE?
#Nyperold: Like I said...
Captain Chaotica: "Draping"? So, what, the necklace is made out of curtain material?!
Sonicoman: Heheh...Go on Tails, have a good look, we're all looking too. ^^
Juice the hedgehog: BOOBS! *nose bleeds* (sorry, couldn't resist).
#Nyperold:: (as Amy) Oooh, you have a pendant! I didn't see that, even though it's been visible since you rammed my face!

Tails had been on his routine power walk when he noticed

Captain Chaotica: ...that Perfect Chaos was trashing the city again.
Juice the hedgehog: *Tails singing* I've got the Power!
#Nyperold: --that his walk had a lot less power than usual...
Spiky the Fox: So he flew instead.
#sonicsamus23: And hit a tree.
KatWarriorPrincess: Good point...why doesn't he just fly?

her sitting on the bench, he was a little nervous to break the ice but then shrugged it

ShadowRittach: ...off and mercilessly destroyed the ice.
#Nyperold: He got Big to break the ice for him.
Captain Chaotica: "The" bench? Station Square has only ONE bench, in the entire city?
#Nyperold: Come to that, I haven't seen any benches in the square around the station...
KatWarriorPrincess: What compelled him to talk to her anyway, besides the attention she was drawing to herself with that pendant?
Captain Chaotica: Her Aura of Smooth, KatWarrior. That, and the author is writing him that way.
KatWarriorPrincess: Tails needs a lawyer...

off and slowly walked up to her, extending a gloved paw, "Hiya, I'm Tails, you new here at Station Square?"

Spiky the Fox: Tails has hands, not paws.
Captain Chaotica: (as Tails) Huhhh...huhhh...phew! I got through that run-on sentence in one breath!
Juice the hedgehog: She said 'bugger off, you little two tailed freak!'
Spiky the Fox: I suppose he knew EVERYBODY in the city.
ShadowRittach: Typical. She automatically lures him over with her mystical Mary-Sue charm.
#Nyperold: (as Krystel) Uh huh! I'm going to see the ocean, the casino, and Twinkle Park!
Captain Chaotica: If she just did THAT, the fic would be much better, I'm sure...
KatWarriorPrincess: ..And they got into Twinkle Park free as a cute couple!

The femme hedgehog looked up at him slowly, quirking her eyebrow, she slowly took his hand and shook it, saying, "My name's Krystel, and yeah,

Captain Chaotica: (as Krystel) ...I'm addicted to run-on sentences, too.
Juice the hedgehog: (as Krystel) ...my spaggety IS tasty!
#Nyperold: (as Krystel) ...I'm a Britney fan!
Captain Chaotica: Gee, why am I not surprised?
KatWarriorPrincess: (Krystel:) I AM Brittney!
Spiky the Fox: She grabbed his wrist, and before he could react, had split his head with the axe.

I'm new here." She looked him over, examining his baggy kakhi cargo pants

Captain Chaotica: Which were not HER pants..she didn't know whose pants they were...
KatWarriorPrincess: Tails should sue...
Juice the hedgehog: Uh oh! Tails is Pimpin' again!
Spiky the Fox: So _THATS_ why he dosen't fly.
#Nyperold: kakhi? Is that a new virus...?

and his blue hoodie that he wore, then she glanced at his adorable tails

Captain Chaotica: ...and one of the MSTers died of sappyness overload. And what the PHRACK is a "hoodie", anyway?! A cute thug?
Juice the hedgehog: Just how adorable is he?
ShadowRittach: Again with the adorable?
Spiky the Fox: Not feeling the least appalled or shocked at the freakish idea of having two tails...
KatWarriorPrincess: She's an alien, I'm tellin' ya! Why would two tails affect her?! XD

knowing that that was how he must have gotten his name, "It's nice to meet you, too."

#Nyperold: She must be psychic!
Captain Chaotica: (as Tails) Hey, wait, I never said I was glad to meet _you_. I just said you must be new here...

Tails invited her to go to a café with him, and she smiled accepting.

Captain Chaotica: ...even though she was out of commas.
#Nyperold: Oh, wait, there's one, atop the "e"!
Spiky the Fox: Good thing she still had the leftover cyanide.
Juice the hedgehog: She couldn't wait to bring this specimen back to the mothership.
KatWarriorPrincess: She just met him! Her parents never her taught her not to talk to strangers obviously... of course not! They died a horrible death when she was a baby!

Tails introduced himself, and that he lived with Sonic, and that he and Sonic had defeated Eggman a year earlier.

Captain Chaotica: AGAIN, since he had just introduced himself a second ago...
ShadowRittach: Bragging eh? Tails should sue.
#Nyperold: Seriously, the author took care to put on the accent, but can't be bothered putting in a comma?
Juice the hedgehog: (as Krystel) Who in Mobius' name is Sonic?
Captain Chaotica: (as Tails) Gee, what other sensitive Freedom-Fighter secrets can I tell you? There's absolutely NO chance you're working for the enemy, no, uh-uh.
#Nyperold: So he doesn't still live in his workshop?
ShadowRittach: No, he sold that.

Tails and Sonic kept themselves

Captain Chaotica: ...in good shape, for the LAY-DAYS, as Shaft would say. :P
Juice the hedgehog: ...entertained in front of a television-lacking PS2.
#Nyperold: ...away from girls, mostly. They've got cooties.
Juice the hedgehog: Oooh, a Shaftism.

from being known as heroes, mainly because they didn't want the fame.

Juice the hedgehog: ...or fortune, or cheese.
Spiky the Fox: How modest.
Captain Chaotica: Oh, boo-hoo, cry me a river, they're so POPULAR it's a PROBLEM. Is that like using "She's so beautiful, everybody is always chasing her" as a "flaw"?
KatWarriorPrincess: And he just spilled it all to some strange girl...idiot...
ShadowRittach: And that's why Tails randomly went up to a girl and told her his accomplishment.
Spiky the Fox: I'm sure Krystel was just an exception.
#Nyperold: Sonic Heroes... that sounds like a good name for a video game, ya think? ... Naaaahhh...

Krystel had been interested hearing of the battle that Tails described, and she

Captain Chaotica: ...wrote down copious notes for her commanders back at Headquarters...
#Nyperold: hung on his every word. The words soon functioned as a noose...
Spiky the Fox: So, he's keeping a secret that he's a hero, and telling her about the battle at the same time?

and she admired how they both kept humble after the defeat of a mad scientist, who's grave, it was reported, was down at the bottom of the ocean.

Spiky the Fox: Eggman? Why was he at the bottom of the ocean?
Juice the hedgehog: Oooo, watery GRAVE!
Captain Chaotica: It was _said_ that his grave was there...after all, Sonic and Tails could hardly tell a stranger that his dismembered body was buried beneath their very workshop...
#Nyperold: (as Eggman) Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

After Tails had finished with his not-totally-complete life story, Krystel began talking about herself,

#Nyperold: Tails became awfully drowsy.
Captain Chaotica: (as Krystel) But enough about me! What about you? What do YOU think about me?
Spiky the Fox: What was he hiding?
Captain Chaotica: Well, it can't be a COMPLETE life story, after all, he's only about 10...

and how she had moved here after she moved

Captain Chaotica: ...her booty. SHAKE it, sistah, shake your funky groove thang!
Juice the hedgehog: --from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.
#Nyperold: Everybody MOVE!

out of her parents home.

Spiky the Fox: How old was she?
Captain Chaotica: (Krystel's parents) Move out, PLEASE move out! We'll pay any college tuition, no matter how expensive, just MOVE ALREADY!
#Nyperold: (as Krystel's mom) OUT! Out, I say! And take your navel ring collection with you!

She told him about everything she'd gone through, and she seemed to smile as she noticed how well he was listening to her.

Spiky the Fox: Do the readers get to know what she'd gone through?
Captain Chaotica: (as Tails) Gah! She put paralysis powder in the food again! Can't...move...
Spiky the Fox: (as Krystel) Oops, wrong poison...
#Nyperold: She wasn't *really* smiling, it just seemed that way. She was really plotting his demise.
Juice the hedgehog: Then she looked at his ... *bricked, beaten, Buicked* ...Can I help it if I can see where this is going?
Captain Chaotica: The part that was exposed earlier in the shower, Juice? :P
Juice the hedgehog: CC's got the idea! ;p
ShadowRittach: She told him of how her parents tragically died when she was 2 years old and how she survived because of her extreme survival skills.

Both of them had downed at least 10 drinks in all

Captain Chaotica: ..and then they really really REALLY had to pee!
#Nyperold: Both were spending time under the table after that...
Spiky the Fox: It's a good thing he dosen't have his plane anymore. Never drink and fly! Heck, after drinking that much you couldn't even SWAT a fly.
Juice the hedgehog: (as Tails) Tarbender! brahng meh another Rum 'n coke... ah'm pahmpin' to nahght!

mostly soft drinks or water or attempting coffee.

Captain Chaotica: "Attempting" coffee? What, is coffee like, really difficult, or something...?

The past few hours had passed by in what

Captain Chaotica: ...seemed to Tails as an unending eternity...
#Nyperold: ...was later discovered to be a wormhole...

seemed to Tails as the blink of an eye, she was a very attractive girl and he enjoyed listening to her soft, yet cheerful voice.

Captain Chaotica: And the Aura of Smooth kicks in yet again!
Spiky the Fox: Cheerful? After "all she'd gone through?"
#Nyperold: She eats that detergent like Pixy Stix powder!
Juice the hedgehog: Soft and cheerful? You'd think a Mary Sue would be whiny and annoying...

It was nearing late afternoon before Krystel looked at her watch, "Oh shoot.

Captain Chaotica: Gladly! (shoots)
Spiky the Fox: Tails gladly complied--no one would find the bullet...
Juice the hedgehog: (Tails) I would LOVE to put you out of your misery.

I was supposed to be at my friend's an hour ago."

Captain Chaotica: Krystel was under the delusion that she HAD friends...(shakes head sadly) Poor girl.
Spiky the Fox: She has friends already? I thought she was new.
#Nyperold: (as The Doctor) Well, I can take you back before you left!

She smirked at Tails, "You're fun to talk to.

Captain Chaotica: ..And make fun of, evidently. _Smirk_? Is that an expression one normally does to a potential new boyfriend...?
#Nyperold:: (as Krystal, thinking) and oh-so-guillible. This could come in handy..."

can I get your number and we can hang out again?"

Captain Chaotica: (as Tails) Sure, just as soon as I get a PHONE...
Spiky the Fox: Tails stared at her, stupidly. "Number?"

Tails nodded, perking his ears up

Captain Chaotica: (as Tails) OUCH! Who put my ears in the coffee-pot?!
#Nyperold: (as the author) Oh, aren't his ears just adorable????
Juice the hedgehog: (Krystel) Oh, aren't your ears ADORABLE?
Juice the hedgehog: O_o
#Nyperold: o_O
Juice the hedgehog: Damn you, Nyp!
Spiky the Fox: XD
ShadowRittach: That was odd. XD

as he handed her a napkin with his number on it.

Juice the hedgehog: (Tails) I keep a stash of these in my pocket for pimpin' purposes...
Captain Chaotica: (as Tails) Little does she know that's just my shoe size...
Spiky the Fox: No, it was impossible for him to tell her his number verbally. He couldn't remember how to pronounce "seven".

She smiled and handed him her number on the back of a

ShadowRittach: --severed arm.
Captain Chaotica:: ...poor tortured slave that she kept on a leash for this very purpose...
Juice the hedgehog: --handy dandy... NOTEBOOK!
Spiky the Fox: She was in the same predicament, except for her it was "two".
#Nyperold: (as Tails) Hmmm... 666-1313. I have a bad feeling about this...

business card, Tails quickly settled it within his wallet, "Nice talking to you, Krystel, see you later."

#Nyperold: (singing) ...alligator, after a while, crocodile!
Spiky the Fox: She's new and has a BUSINESS?
ShadowRittach: Boy, she's good at this.
#Nyperold: No, a card.
ShadowRittach: Wonder how many times she's moved now.
Captain Chaotica: Many, I'd bet. Whenever the mobs start coming up to her house with the torches and pitchforks, she figures it's time to move again.
ShadowRittach: So they both carry around cards and napkins with their numbers?
Juice theHedgehog: Little did he know she had already drawn her spazo alien ray gun...

Tails smiled and waved at her, she returned his wave

#Nyperold: Only, it was a tsunami.
Captain Chaotica: ...to the store where he originally bought it.
Juice the hedgehog: ...with a shot from the spazo ray gun.
Spiky the Fox: His rifle was missing, so he had to make do with a rocket launcher.

and then jogged off, very late for her appointment.

Captain Chaotica: (as Krystel) Oh my spines and sneakers! I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!
ShadowRittach: --at the cemetary.
#Nyperold: I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date...
Captain Chaotica: HA! I knew somebody else would do that. :P
#Nyperold: Okay, that one was better.
ShadowRittach: She said she was going to meet her friend, now it's an appointment? I see how she works.
Captain Chaotica: And..that was the end! Of Chapter 1, I'm assuming. But there aren't any other chapters there _now_, so...we're DONE!