Captain Chaotica!!

...has been a fan of the original MST3K TV show since 1992 and a fan of Internet MSTings since around 1998 or so. She is also a veteran web-page designer/writer, having such other credits under her belt as "Centauri Prime" (a Babylon 5 site) "Sandopolis" (Sonic the Hedgehog universe) and "Calisota or Bust!" (DuckTales). The oldest of the three webmasters of "MSTing in Action", she came up with the site's punny title (now you know who to blame) and doesn't write MSTings very _fast_, but she does love doing it. She loves cats and hates dogs; would much rather sip a cappucino than get drunk, and her pet peeves include bad spelling, "hacker" speech, and idiocy in general. She loves to draw and write, plays the keyboard by ear, and tends to pick up other people's accents/voices without even meaning to, especially when singing along to the radio. (With her favourite genre being '80s New Wave, but she likes anything as long as it's good.)
Chaotica is left-handed and a total whackazoid creative type, spells things the British way even though she is American, is very very short, and a complete, utter geek--a Trekkie, a computer game player, a D&D player, one of her favourite movies of all time is "TRON"...etc. If it's geeky she probably likes it.
And is very PROUD of all of the above facts. :P

Random bits of trivia about Captain Chaotica!!

--Her screen-name is a combo of the hero and the villian's names from the "Captain Proton" simulations on Star Trek: Voyager. Captain Proton + Dr. Chaotica=Captain Chaotica. The exclamation points on the end of the name are to simulate the corny, DRAMATIC...ANNOUNCER VOICE!! that you get at the ends of the Captain Proton adventures.
--Her MSTings have been published at Shinji's Vault of Anime MSTings and under different names, but it's the same person. Her name is Rydia Erdrick Landale, the SVAM one is Dr. Clayton Forrester, and both have caused confusion, but not intentionally. But it's too confusing to use different names all over the 'net, so she's started using the Captain Chaotica!! persona for more and more stuff these days.
--Emma the Lemming is her own character and is based off of THE Lemmings, as in, you know, from those games. She is drawn in lots of different styles depending on Chaotica's current mood, from the small, simple, cartoony version from the games to a humanoid, detailed, "Mobian" incarnation, but always has green hair and a purple/blue outfit. Don't ask how she ended up on this site; we're still trying to work that out. And yes, her desk in the "Emma Checks Her E-Mail" picture is indeed based off of the artist's own messy computer desk.
--Before anybody asks, "Captain Fluffypants Hogbottom the Third" is from nowhere and means nothing, it's just a stupid running gag. So is the thing about the Jell-O.
--Do not question the "Civilization" gags; Chaotica is a huge fan of the series. Emma has Call to Power on her desk 'cos it's Chaotica's personal favourite of the series, but seems to be held in low regard by most other Civ fans...The picture of the "High Council of MSTers" is actually the Advisors from the newer version of Civ 2, in their Ancient Greek outfits.
--Chaotica is a huge fan of mythology, especially Greek and Norse, and her favourite animation/comic series include Hercules: The Animated Series and the manga version of Oh! My Goddess! If she makes jokes about Ragnarok or uses "Frost Giants" as a running-gag way to refer to the End of the World, pay it no heed.
