MSTing FanArt!

Here is a place where you can send any MSTing or MST3K-related fan-art you may have drawn. We ask that your pictures stay at the PG-13 rating or below, and that you use the file formats .jpg or .gif, not bitmaps--they take up too much room. The pictures you send in can be of the characters in the MSTings, playing around on their ship or wherever they are; it can be pictures of characters from the actual stories being MSTed, or from the original show, MST3K itself.
Have fun!

Captain Chaotica!!'s MST3K Artwork

Heh...I've been a huge fan of the original show for a long time and so most of this artwork is from there. And yes, I'm aware of the fact that I absolutely cannot draw Mike well, for some reason...

Taking over the bad movie at a time!" My first picture of any Mads ever, so why not start from the beginning? (Okay, the VERY beginning would have been a KTMA-era picture, but close enough...) I drew this at first meaning it to be an illustration for my story, "Transmission Difficulties", but when I realised that the year 2005 Thanksgiving would be on MST3K's actual birthday to the _day_, I decided it was more in honour of that.
Here we see Dr. Clayton Debra Susan Forrester and Dr. Laurence Erhardt, preparing to restart the experiments on Joel from their new base in Deep 13. I like the way this picture turned out, even if it isn't entirely accurate. (Yes, I'm aware that Erhardt is actually a bit pudgier than that...and that I can't draw Forrester at all. I know. In Forrester's case it's a mistake, in Erhardt's it's "artistic license". I LIKE the way it looks, and I don't _want_ to change it. So nyah.)
Anyway...Happy 17th birthday, MST3K! The world of comedy would not have been the same without you.

"Gettin' sarcastic...OLD-SCHOOL!" (looks at the picture and sighs) Ah...nostalgia. The above picture shows the "good ol' days" of the show, in my opinion. This is not only the first MST3K picture I drew, it's the first really fannish thing I ever did. I drew this within like two days after seeing my first full episode and falling in love with the show, way back in 1992. I had this crazy dream about sending it in with a letter to be shown on the air, like they do sometimes, and have an actual GOOD picture (well, sorta) be shown for a change...but since I knew I wouldn't get my picture _back_ and didn't know about colour copiers at the time, I never did. Then Joel left the show, they stopped doing the "letters" thing about a season in after Mike showed up, and etc...
Today, I can see that this picture is not very good, technically speaking. :P But it still holds a warm place in my heart.

"The New Boys of Comedy!" Mike and the bots, from the Sci-Fi Channel era (Seasons 8-10)...I copied this picture from a photo in a TV Guide article about the show's ending, and except for the fact that Mike looks really odd, I'm fairly happy with it...

"Joel Robinson: Lost in Space" A nice colour portrait of Joel, by himself. The fact that he's alone and that he can see the Earth outside the window but can't get to it is supposed to give this picture a feeling of sadness and loneliness. The reason it's called "Lost in Space" is because that's where Joel Hodgson got his character's last name...from Wil Robinson of "Lost in Space". And he (Joel) IS lost in space. Well, trapped in space, anyway...

"Mike Nelson: Space Cadet!" This one speaks for itself...his face looks a little odd but the expression and the colouring turned out well, I think. Anyway, here's a nice portrait of Mike by himself, this time in colour, and it has a happier tone than the one of Joel, for....reasons. (Don't want to get into the full depths of my MSTie obsessiveness here, it'd be embarrassing. :P)
Interesting story on this ALMOST got shown to the actual Mike Nelson himself, in person! Suffice it to say something fell through at the last second, but it would've been interesting to hear what he thought about it...

"Pandora" No, not the one from Greek mythology. This is the "Pandora" from the cheesy so-called "Daria" fics that are MSTed in our cartoon section--"The World is Not Enough" and "Mission to Mars". Her figure is SUPPOSED to be really exagerrated and cartoony, by the way; she's a Mary Sue character. In this picture, she's wearing the silver dress and silver high heels that she wore in her first appearance. And for some reason, and mind you this was TOTALLY unintentional, but...what with the tight, metallic silver outfit, the straight blonde hair, and the snooty, arrogant look...she ended up kinda reminding me of...SEVEN OF NINE!! (hangs head in shame) Oh, Seven, I'm _so_ sorry, I didn't mean to do that to you, really...(Seven may also technically be a Mary Sue character, but she's got one very key difference from Pandora: SEVEN is actually COOL!)

"It CAME from the MOVIE SCREEN!!" This picture is a collage of images from B-movies, with two characters that I drew in Microsoft Paint on top (duh). It's based off this bizzarre story that I was writing... well, MOSTLY writing, over at another site. It was a Round-Robin type thing but _most_ of it was written by me, percentage-wise, and I also came up with most of the main characters, the basic concept, and the major plot points and settings.
The story is not QUITE an MST3K fanfic, but damn close. Basically the premise is that one day, a young Joe Schmoe type (who has a lot in common with Joel...) runs afoul of a mad scientist and finds himself teleported into a strange world where movies are REAL! But just his luck--they all happen to be BAD movies! Along the way he has all kinds of adventures, accidentally re-writes the "plots" of many of the movies without even meaning to, discovers that his co-worker that he's had a crush on for a long time was originally from a movie herself, pulled through the portal into OUR world, and also picks up unlikely "party-members" as a cheapo rip-off Bruce Lee clone martial artist who does very cheesy wire-work type fighting moves; an anime robot from _another_ alternate reality, and last but not least, the main villian's pissed-off assistant, who now wants REVENGE against said villian.
It's a fun romp and the MST3K connection is in many places: All the bad movies Sandy Corman travels through are from MST episodes (why ELSE would I ever voluntarily sit through one of these?), there's lots of quotes and running gags from the show mentioned (such as chapter titles like "The Worst We Can Find!" or Sandy eating _waffles_ for breakfast in the first scene and of course the infamous "HAI-KEEBA!"). It's just a fun, fast-paced romp where plot doesn't matter as much as comedy and the production values are about as low as on the actual movies themselves. Also, the laws of physics can do whatever the plot wants them to.
I had fun writing it but it isn't finished yet, and needs to be edited and fixed up heavily with HTML coding and so forth before it can appear at this site. But I _might_ put it up. I do have an ending in _mind_, at least...
The story also has no NAME so far, but I've been giving it the nickname "Escape from the Planet of the B-Movies!" even though it's more a _dimension_ than a planet. But hey, actual B-movie titles get things about their own movies wrong like that all the time...
TRIVIA: Here is what came from where, in the picture, in case anybody cares:
--The mountain and the volcano are both pictures of _real_ ones that I turned black and white and fuzzed slightly to make them _look_ like they came from an old movie.
--The lightning background was from the Absolute Background Textures Archive, as are most of the backgrounds on this site (gotta give them credit, hmm?)
--The rocketship is from...I dunno where, but it LOOKS like something from Commando Cody. Too bad you can't see the bottom part and the flame plumes; it looks really cool.
--The giant turtle-thing (whom I wished showed up a little better) is none other than GAMERA!! Friend to all children! And a MST3K classic. (starts singing: "Gamera is really neat, Gamera is turtle meat, we've been eating GA-ME-RAAAA!")
--Then we also have the CRAWLING EYE, which is the title monster of the Season One premiere episode of MST3K.
--And a giant spider, which unfortunately you cannot see very well. I wanted to make the two characters smaller, but when I resized them, pasting them into the collage didn't work--the colours got dithered and it would have taken FOREVER to fix everything. Anyway, the spider COULD be from either "The Giant Spider Invasion" or "Earth Vs. the Spider", both of which being MSTed movies, but I was thinking more the second one, 'cos I like that episode better and think it's funnier. Ironically, I got my "giant spider" by using exactly the SAME cheap special effect they used in the actual cheesy '50s black and white movie...I just took a _normal_ spider picture and made it LOOK huge! :P
All of the above creatures, as well as the rocketship and the volcano, actually do appear in the story. :)

"In the very distant future..." From NetRaptor's MSTing of "Times of Chaos", here is the "Satellite of Sega" (SOS, ha ha) bridge crew. Sonic's jumpsuit was done as a parody off of Joel's, of course, but only because blue wouldn't look good on a blue person. (Well, that, and it allowed me to have the logo say "SEGA" instead of "GIZMONICS" for _extra_ parody goodness.) Tails looks sporty in a blue jumpsuit, and for some reason I dressed Knuckles in the Evil Sidekick outfit (black double-breasted suit) because...well, I have no idea why, exactly, I just thought it would look good on him. The Times of Chaos MSTing was written by NetRaptor, but you can blame _me_ for the name of the Satellite of Sega, the lyrics to the theme song :P and I made the mistake of telling her about "Invention Exchanges". So I guess I was kind of a contributor. Maybe.

"Creepy Girl!"--NEW! From "The Catalina Caper". I dunno...I was watching that episode again, and got it into my head to scribble down a picture of the "Creepy Girl" for no apparent reason. I know it doesn't exactly look like her, but hey, this is a character from a _bad_ movie; does it matter that much? :P

MSTing Artwork by Robin

"Kid Clop!" The riffers of MALT3K (Clopin, Tarzan, and Mulan) as a "rock band", doing their parody version of "Cowboy" from the end of the MSTing, "The Spam". Picture by Robin and Duckie (her sister).


2763 artistic folk have come here since April 10, 2003. We don't know why. They're weird--which results in creativity, of course! ;)