The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Aslyum...

So who ARE the nutballs who write these things and/or run this site, eh? Below you will find out everything you ever wanted to know about the minds behind "MSTing in Action"... but didn't want to ask. You don't have to be one of the actual site owners to get mentioned on this page--just a contributor. If you want your bio here, just send us stuff...and then write a bio and send that!
(And before anybody says anything, the above picture is actually from Civilization II, yes, I know.) :P
...Associate Webmistress Captain Chaotica!!

Captain Chaotica!!, the Slight Nervousness What Flutters in the Early Afternoon!

The Outcasts.

Supertails. His bio will be coming soon, as soon as he writes it.


109 people have tried to contact the High Council of MSTings since March 29, 2003, but they were all told to make more science improvements, more weapons technology, more diplomatic pacts AND more money at the same time, so they all went away rather confused...