A MSTing of Final Fantasy 6

By Captain Chaotica!!
RATING: PG-13 for language and innuendo, but nothing THAT bad.


(The lights and decorations are relatively back to normal in the theater lobby now, except for the three small podiums, of different heights, over at one end of the room. RENO is dressed in his Turk uniform again, looking very official; AERIS is sitting next to him also wearing a snazzy business suit; only hers is in white with a pink shirt underneath (which matches her pink hair-ribbon). They are both wearing headsets and holding microphones. The trumpet fanfare from the title screen of the original "Dragon Warrior" plays loudly from invisible speakers.)

RENO: Hello everyone, I'm Reno Fitzgerald, and welcome back to the First Annual RPG Olypmics!
AERIS: And I'm Aeris Gainsborough. It's a very excited crowd we have here tonight at the Jidoor Collosseum, isn't it, Reno? Just listen to them!
(CLOUD, CID, YUFFIE, and TIFA, dully) Yay.
RENO: Well, it's been quite a day already. Sabin of Figaro took the gold in the event of House Lifting, narrowly edging out our own Barret Wallace of North Corel and Chief Ayla of Ioka Village. Aeris herself took gold in the Being Mystical and Vague competition, narrowly edging out Terra Branford of Narshe, who took silver, and Rydia, from that town that doesn't exist anymore, who took bronze. Alys "Eight-Stroke Warrior" Brangwin of Aiedo almost took gold for the Being a Tough Butt-Kicking Lady Warrior competition, but was disqualified when it was discovered that she was in fact technically dead. Although that didn't seem to stop you, Aeris. So the gold went to Celes Chere instead, with--
AERIS: Hold it, Reno, we have to go to commercial now.


RENO: And we're back. To finish our recap of all the exciting events that you couldn't see today because we were too busy showing commercials to let you watch them: Stragos of Thamasa was beaten out by Bugenhagen of Cosmo Canyon for Most Annoying Mystical Wise-Ass Old Dude, with Raja of Dezolis taking the bronze, Shadow and Magus tied for gold in the Being Mysterious and Sinister But Still a Good Guy competition, with our own Vincent Valentine of Nibelheim taking silver, and the Being a Backstabbing Jerk category was thoroughly swept by Kain of Baron, although Yuffie Kisargi of Wutai made a decent showing.
AERIS: The Coolest-Looking Villains competition was stopped before it even started when Zio was caught stealing Sephiroth's hair gel, so the contest unfortunately will not be held this year. The Being an Arrogant Flirt category was won by Edgar Roni Figaro of Figaro, but Rune Walsh of Mota came in close with the silver, and Edge the Ninja won the bronze. And the Least-Dressed Martial Artist competition was won by Rika, although there are rumours that she threatened to scratch the judges' eyes out with her six-inch-long metallic cat's claws if Tifa Lockhart won. Also on the subject of hair, there was a TIE between Cloud Strife, Crono, and Super Saiyan-Jin Goku for the Spikiest Hair competition. Sonic the Hedgehog would have won hands--I mean, _paws_ down, but was disqualified when it was realised that he's not _quite_ from an RPG...yet.
RENO: And last but not least, Sir Cyan of Doma took bronze in the Being Old-Fashioned in a Cheesy Manner category, right after Frog of Guardia, silver, and the original but nameless Descendant of Erdrick, from Alefgard, who took the gold.
AERIS: Now we'll cut live to the exciting airship races! Right after this.

(Commercials. When we come back to the theater lobby, we see that there is now a projector screen behind Reno and Aeris, showing images, which they comment on.)

RENO: And we're back, live at the Air Race Collosseum in sunny downtown Midoro Swamp! In the lead is Daryl in the Falcon, followed closely by Setzer Gabbiani in the Blackjack. Following them is Chaz Ashley, Hahn, Demi, Wren, and Gryz in the Landale, Sonic the Hedgehog and Miles "Tails" Prower of Mobius in their modified biplane, the Tornado--HEY, how the hell did they get back in here?!--anyway, behind them is Cid Highwind of Rocket Town in his airship, the Highwind, and bringing up the rear is Crono, Marle, and Lucca of Truce in the modified Epoch. Whoops! They just crashed into Pokey's helicopter. Looks like there wasn't quite enough "time" for them, eh?
AERIS: (fake laughing at the dumb pun) There sure wasn't, Reno. Oh, look, the Tornado just got sucked into the Highwind's intake valve. Ouch, THAT'S gonna hurt come Sunday.
RENO: (chuckling) Right you are, Aeris. Whoah, the Landale just went into interstellar mode and left the planet's orbit! Very spectacular but it disqualifies them from the race. And now the Blackjack is coming up on the Falcon. Closer, closer...OOH, the Falcon just went into a flaming spin-dive! It's gonna hit the crowd!! Oh my god!! This is so exciting!!
AERIS: But it's time for another commercial.

(Commercial. When we come back, Reno and Aeris are both covered with soot and choking, and smoke is all over the place, but they make absolutely no mention of what happened in the crash and continue as if nothing is going on.)

RENO: Okay, so now it's down to just two racers: The Blackjack and the Highwind. The finish line is coming closer and closer. The Highwind is edging up to the Blackjack...
AERIS: Uh, oh, Setzer doesn't like that at all, Reno. He just threw a pack of deadly razor-edged cards at Cid!
RENO: And now Cid is getting him back by...WHAT is he doing...? He's put the Highwind on autopilot and is swinging a rope over to the deck of the Blackjack! This is absolutely INSANE, folks! And remember, you saw it here on Plot Convenience News Network, first.


AERIS: I don't believe this! Cid Highwind just lit a stick of dynamite with his cigarette and threw it at Setzer! He's trying to...he's trying to make him let go of the controls to the Blackjack! Setzer just...he seems to have summoned a herd of Chocobos out of the ether to stomp Cid into a jelly! Yeeeow!
RENO: Geez, these guys really haven't heard of sportsmanship, have they? Oh, wait, the race just ended. I was too busy talking to see who won; did you?
AERIS: Um, I think the Highwind went over the line first, technically. Even though nobody was driving it.
RENO: Well, that means that Cid Highwind is our new gold medalist!
(The Highwind theme plays majestically as Cid stands on the top of the three podiums. Yuffie comes out and puts a very obviously fake gold medal around his neck, and gives him a bunch of red silk roses. He grins and tries to sniffle away his tears.)
AERIS: (sticking her microphone DIRECTLY in Cid's face) Congratulations, you've just won your very first Olympic gold medal! How does it feel?
CID: (sniffling, teary-eyed) Well, I...I just..this is just the...answer to all my dreams, for me. I want to thank Shera, my mom, my trainer...

(Commercials. CID keeps talking the entire time.)

CID: ...the guy who used to bring us pizza every Tuesday afternoon, the Shinra Manager, and, of course, my dog, Sparky.
AERIS: Well, this is certainly a big moment for you, Cid. Back to you, Sephy-babe!

Sephiroth just stood there, gaping-mouthed and wide-eyed, from out of his viewscreen.
"You guys REALLY need to get out more." he muttered. "Vincent, send them the next part of the game."
Glumly, Vincent flipped the switch.
"MOVIE SIIIIGGGGGNNNNNN!!!" shrieked Aeris, and they all piled into the theater.


(The scenario of GOGO.)

CID: Sister of Mashed Potato, brother of Twist, cousin to Watusi.


(In Zone Eater, when the party finds a strange person.)
Shrouded in odd clothing, ...is this a man...? ...a woman...? ...or should we ask...?

CLOUD: Uh, dude, we already have one of these; he's called "Kefka".

(Name the person.)

RENO: (whiny) Aren't we done with this naming thing YET...?

CREATURE: I am GOGO, master of

YUFFIE: Programming VCRs!
(EVERYONE goes "Oooh..." appreciatively).

simulacrum... My miming skills will astonish you. Yes...I have been idle for too long. If I deem you worthy, I'll mime your actions in battle.

AERIS: (as Creature) And irritate the hell out of you.
CID: HA! And YOU said this game didn't HAVE any mimes!

But first tell me what you're doing here.
(GOGO is surprised.)
GOGO: What an unusual tale...

TIFA: (as Gogo) How did you ever get the dragon into the top hat and tails...?


(The scenario of the Esper and UMARO.)

RENO: The tragic story of a doomed love, told in three acts.


(At the gates of Narshe. Lone Wolf comes out.)

CLOUD: And blasts everyone to smithereens with his Magnakai skills, the end.
AERIS: Wrong "Lone Wolf", Cloud...

PICKPOCKET: Eh!? What're you doing here? Doesn't matter, really...nothing left anyway... There's only one Moogle still around, and only a treasure hunter could pick that lock...

CID: Okay, Yuffie, do it!
YUFFIE: Ha. Ha. Ha.


(In the Weapon Shop. The maintainer is in bed.)

AERIS: (as "Man"'s mom) Get up, lazybones! You're gonna be late for school!

(Man) I've been waiting for you! I want to give you this. I ran a Weapon Shop for 70 years! This stone gives off an eerie aura! If I melted it,

CLOUD: (as Man) I'd have a melted rock!
TIFA: Try to take things a _little_ less literally, Cloud...

and forged a sword, it'd be powerful!

TIFA: (as Man) I've forgotten how to speak without exclamation points!

Well? Make this stone into a sword?

YUFFIE: Which do we want, people?
AERIS: You'd have to be NUTS to go after the main villian without a good, sturdy "Ultima" spell at your side.

(Man) Right.
(If you choose no,)
(Received the Esper "Ragnarok".)
(Man) I'll stay here. This is my home.

RENO: Not anymore it ain't. I'm the landlord, and I got a piece of paper here saying that you owe me 70 years back-rent, sonny!
CLOUD: (as Man) Gulp.


(In another building. A man is in bed.)

TIFA: What, does the entire TOWN have narcolepsy?!

(Man) Cough... Take...this... "Cursed Shield"... If we could break its curse...

YUFFIE: (as Man) ...We could have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches whenever we want them!

Imagine its defensive power!
(Received Cursed Shield.)


(In the Moogles' cave. MOG is found.)

RENO: Promptly lost again, dropped down a hole, set on fire, exploded and ripped to shreds by alligators, the end. So who's up for a good "Voyager" rerun?

MOG: Kupoppo! You're still alive! I thought you were all feeding the worms, kupo! Kupohoho! Let's go!

AERIS: (as Locke) Dude, if you say "Kupo!" or any variation thereof, ONE MORE TIME...

MOG: Say, we could use some sasquatch muscle!! Besides, he'd be helpless here without me! He's somewhere in the

CID: Amusement park.

mines. Once we find him, I'll order him to join us!

TIFA: And of COURSE he'll listen to YOU, uh-huh...


(At the frozen Esper.)

CLOUD: The Frozen Esper? Is that anything like Dairy Queen?

(Battle with Tritoch. Tritoch then thaws.)

AERIS: And realises the true meaning of Christmas.

ESPER: You HUMANS freed me from that prison of ice? You possess Magicite?! Who are you?! I sense war and destruction... Could that stupid war possibly have lasted a thousand years?

RENO: (yell-singing) WAR! UH! WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? Absolutely NOTHIN'!

I can tell that you want to put a stop to the madness. Let's see if you are worthy!

CID: A brand new CAR!!
ALL: (random crowd cheering noises).

the Esper "Tritoch".)


(In the sasquatch's chamber. The party finds a bone carving.)
What's with this carving? Looks like bone... Something...in that eye...

TIFA: OW! OW! OW! CONTACT LENS EMERGENCY! Get it out, get it out!

... Magicite?! (Received the Esper "Terrato".)

CLOUD: How do you pronounce that, anyway?
TIFA: (singing) You say Terr-ay-to,
AERIS: (same) I say Terr-ah-to,
BOTH, TOGETHER: Let's call the whole thing off!

(Sasquatch comes out. Battle with Umaro.)

YUFFIE: PROBABLY because you just stole his frickin' Magicite!

MOG: I'm your boss, kupo! You're gonna join us, kupo!!!
Admirer of bone-carvings, as strong as a gigas, a sasquatch pal with muscle!
(Name the sasquatch.)

RENO: Rude.
AERIS: (giggling) Nah. Can't be him. He talks too much. And he's got WAY too much hair.

UMARO: Ooh...me UMARO... Yes, boss... Me join you!
MOG: UMARO! No slouching, now!

CLOUD: (as MOG) And no stealing office supplies or hitting on the secretaries!

UMARO: Ooo...me wait for you in big airship!

CID: As opposed to all the many _small_ airships that can easily be found scattered all over the FF6 landscape.
AERIS: Hey, I thought _I_ was the Queen of Nitpick!


(The scenario of the Ancient Castle.)

CID: Hey, hey, hey. It prefers to be called, "The Youth-Impaired Castle".


(In Figaro Castle's library.)

RENO: (as Locke) DUDE! I just found Edgar's entire back-issue collection of PlaySoldier, hidden behind this bookcase! Get a load of this centerfold of Rika from October 1994! Rrowwwrr!

(Scholar) You found an ancient text at the library, right? Ancient texts I'm studying speak of a "1000 year-old city beneath the sand."
I wonder what this means, "...when the queen stands take five steps..."

YUFFIE: Then she will do the hokey-pokey and turn herself about.
AERIS: That's what it's all about, you know.


(When Figaro Castle travels beneath the ocean, it stops.)

CLOUD: Okay, anyone who wants a bathroom break, this is the last one before Kohlingen!

(Engineer) There's something odd about the stratum... It's as if we've bumped into something...


(At the entrance of the castle.)

YUFFIE: The ANCIENT Castle, that is, not Figaro.

What the...?
(Flashback begins. A battle is taking place.)

RENO: (jaded) Stuff blew up, people died. It was cool.

It's an Esper attack!
Let's show him some of OUR Esper magic!
(Narration) A thousand years in the past, a battle was waged here...

TIFA: (dramatically) The legendary Fast Food Wars of Burger King vs. McDonalds...

Only Odin is here!
Are you wounds healed?

CLOUD: Never mind that, I have to drag you off the battlefield anyway!
AERIS: Remember, boys and girls: The very first thing you do when you see an injured person--MOVE 'em!

We're fresh outta options. We'll have to leave this battle in Odin's hands...

TIFA: Or tentacles, or wings, or whatever they might be...
CLOUD: It's the Nameless Random Dialogue Warriors!

(Narration) A city, ruined during the War of the Magi...
(Odin is holding back enemies.)

CID: With nothing but his pinky finger and a small piece of string.

Atom Edge!
Atom Edge!

AERIS: Edge? Wasn't he a character from FF4?
RENO: Or a member of U2.

(Another enemy arrives.)
ODIN: Don't do it... You can't turn me into Magicite...
(Narration) There's an ancient legend... It tells of a battle between Odin and a powerful sorcerer that took place in a great hall of the castle...

CID: (dramatically) And lo, it did come to pass that they bashed each other with spatulas and slashed each other with deadly flying omelettes for days without end...

(Enemy turns Odin into stone. Flashback ends.)


(Inside the castle. Odin's statue is there.)
(When Odin is softened,

CLOUD: ...the very first thing he says is, "GOD do I ever have a Charlie-horse!"

he turns into Magicite.)
Odin turned into a Magicite shard...

AERIS: Well, I can see--HUH?!


(Downstairs. A book is found on a table.)

RENO: But if you try to take it, a trap door opens up underneath you and throws you to your death, the end. So, what's on the Olypmics tonight?
YUFFIE: This ISN'T Shadowgate, Reno!

A book, with a gem-encrusted cover... "Queen's Diary"
(Diary) I realize, now, that I am in love with Odin... This...breaks every rule of our society. But my heart longs for

TIFA: (as the Queen) Chocolate...
AERIS: No, Tifa, that's what YOUR heart longs for.

this noble, elegant man. How could anyone blame me? After the fighting is over I'm going to bare my soul to him...

RENO: And "bare" other things, too--OUCH!
(AERIS folds her pike back up again and smiles.)

TERRA: Love between a human and an Esper...

YUFFIE: Okay, is it just me, or does anyone think that perhaps the Queen and Odin could have been Kefka's parents?
(ALL think about this.)
TIFA: But this was a thousand years ago! How could Kefka still be alive?
YUFFIE: It's possible that half-Espers can live a very long time, if they know how to use their powers correctly. Or maybe he time-travelled to reach this era!
CID: Hmmm. Well, he IS very powerful. And he certainly doesn't look or act quite human. But I'm going to remain undecided, Yuffie.
YUFFIE: Hmph. _I_ think it's a good argument...


(In the back room. The queen's stone statue is there.)
Even the Queen was turned to stone...

CID: By the sheer ugliness of the drapes...

A tear comes... From the stone...?
The Magicite "Odin" gains a level...and becomes the Magicite "Raiden"!

RENO: Wait, isn't that the name of a character from the Street Fighter games, or something like that?


(The scenario of the Dragon on the stage.)

TIFA: (singing cheerfully) The Dragon on the stage! The Dragon on the stage! Hi, ho, the derry-o, the Dragon on the stage!
CLOUD: That was lame.
TIFA: Bite me, we're on the FOURTEENTH part and my brain hurts!


(In the opera house.)
(Man) Shriek!!! Help...HELP!!! Talk to the Impresario!

CID: (snickering) For all the good THAT'LL do...

IMPRESARIO: A dragon is sitting smack in the middle of the stage!
(Battle with Dirt Dragon.)

RENO: This game is running so low on the special-effects budget that the best they can do is a DIRT dragon?!

IMPRESARIO: Looks like we're gonna hate to save the day once again!

AERIS: "Hate" to save the day? Geez, some attitude for heroes to have!


(The scenario of STRAGOS and Hidon.)


(In Thamasa.)
RELM: Yea!! We're back! It's like old times!
(RELM runs off.)

RENO: A cliff.

STRAGOS: Time to relax! Home sweet home!
(RELM comes back.)
RELM: Grandpa! This is terrible! Gungho's hurt!
(STRAGOS is surprised.)

CLOUD: (as Stragos) Do I know anybody named Gungho...?

STRAGOS: G...Gungho?!


(In STRAGOS's home. Gungho is in bed.)

TIFA: Okay, since the beginning of this section, we've had HOW many men lying in bed?
AERIS: Three.
TIFA: Good. Just wanted to keep track.

STRAGOS: Gungho, wake up! Who did this to you?
GUNGHO: It was...Hidon, the beast you and I used to

RENO: (as Gungho) ...dance with at the Prom...

hunt. I almost had it...
STRAGOS: You took on Hidon...?
GUNGHO: Oooh...cough, cough...

YUFFIE: He SAID, "cough, cough"...?

STRAGOS: G...Gungho?!
GUNGHO: STRAGOS... Please...you must avenge me...Oooh...cough, cough...
RELM: Gramps! Why are you hesitating!

YUFFIE: (as Relm) And why am I asking questions with exclamation points!
CID: I really do think we should tone down the grammar riffs, now that we're so close to the end.

STRAGOS: Well...I spent my youth

CLOUD: (as Stragos)...playing video games.
YUFFIE: No, that's our MSTer.

chasing that creature. To do it again at this age is more than I bargained for.
Gungho...rest easy, I'll do it for you!
RELM: Grandpa! Just a minute! You don't think you're going alone, do you?

CLOUD: (as Stragos) I was HOPING I could go alone, yes...

STRAGOS: I spent too many years of my life hunting that thing. It is my obsession, not yours.

TIFA: (singing) You are an obsession...you're my obsession...who do you want me to be, to make you--(breaks off) EEW, that song REALLY doesn't go here, now that I come to think about it!

RELM: But Grandpa! This "obsession" of yours could easily slay you! You're my Grandfather. I can't just sit idly by and watch you go.

CID: (as Relm) I should be actively helping Hidon kill you, rather than just sit on my butt! Yeah!

STRAGOS: Sorry, RELM. I'm so grateful that you care! But as its name implies, the Hidon is extremely difficult to find.

RENO: Huh? Oooohh...GROAAANNN..."Hidon"..."HIDDEN"!! And to think, all this time I was pronouncing it "Hee-DOHN", in my mind, like it was proper Japanese or something...(He turns to AERIS.) Kill me. Please. Kill me now. Whip out that Magical Folding-Pole dealie of yours and smack me upside the head as hard as you can.
AERIS: You ain't getting out of here THAT easy, Turk-Boy.
RENO: Damn.

Unless I go alone, it will not show itself.
STRAGOS: Next stop, Ebot's Rock.
RELM: Phew...


(Inside Ebot's Rock.)

AERIS: INSIDE the rock? Ah. Another transporter accident.
CLOUD: They get a LOT of those around here, don't they?

TREASURE: I'm hungry! Hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry!! Feed me!

RENO: (intellectual tone) I do believe the above line is trying to get across a message of....hunger, but it's doing it with such exquisite _subtlety_, that it truly is a work of art.
CID: (Audrey II voice) FEED me, Seymour, feed me NOW!!!

Otherwise, I won't let you by! I like to eat

CLOUD: (as Treasure) Nachos!

"Coral"! Have any? Hand over some "Coral"? Skinflint! Git outta here!
(When you bring back enough Coral.)
TREASURE: Munch munch munch G'nnnaa! What a feast! I'm stuffed! Completely full! Bluuurp! Whew!

TIFA: Hey! Manners, please, Mr. Talking Treasure Chest!

TREASURE: Oh, yeah, you wanna pass through here, right? Eh!! What the...!
(Ahead. STRAGOS is surprised.)
STRAGOS: That's Hidon!

YUFFIE: (as Relm) Not any more it's not, it's right out in front of us.
CLOUD: BAD pun, Yuffie. BAD.

(Battle with Hidon.)
STRAGOS: I did it! I...I...I actually beat Hidon! I have to tell Gungho he is avenged!


(In STRAGOS's home in Thamasa.)
STRAGOS: Gungho...! Gungho...!

RENO: Strangely enough, Stragos never found Gungho, because he was calling for him in the wrong house!

GUNGHO: What's all the hullabaloo?!

AERIS: (as Gungho) Not to mention Lollapalooza!

STRAGOS: Listen to me! I DEFEATED Hidon!
(Gungho flies out of bed.)

YUFFIE: Using the wings that he had grown just then, especially for the occasion.

GUNGHO: You WHAT?! You b...beat Hidon?! You're lying! LYING!
RELM: No, he's not! He actually defeated Hidon.
STRAGOS: Ho, ho, ho! If I didn't know better, I'd say that Hidon wasn't my only enemy!

RENO: (as Stragos) Well, actually, NOBODY has ever liked me very much, but...

GUNGHO: I don't believe this. This has to be a joke!
STRAGOS: Ho, ho, ho!! ...by the way, how are you wounds healing, Gungho?

CLOUD: Stragos then deliberately pokes Gungho on his sorest spot...

GUNGHO: Eh? Oh, they're fine...
That evening.....
(Inside STRAGOS's home. STRAGOS is entertaining Gungho.)

CID: That is to say, he THINKS he's being entertaining. But you do have to bear in mind this is Stragos we're talking about here, folks.

STRAGOS: There I was, in a cave that seemed endless. Then, before I knew it, Hidon appeared! I stared Hidon straight in the eye,

AERIS: (as Stragos) ...turned into stone, and died! It was cool!

lifted my staff, and let him have it! G'Pow!! Thwack!! Crash!! I wanted to show my enemy the true meaning of the word,

CLOUD: (as Stragos) Rubik's Cube!

"hero"! And then......
(Gungho goes outside. RELM is there.)
RELM: What happened to Grandpa?
GUNGHO: Huh? Finally! He nodded off. However... Let's let him be! He's nice and...quiet...

RENO: (as Gungho, darkly) Yes...quiet and...peaceful...FOREVER!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Now, about my "wounds"...

AERIS: (as Relm) Oh, no problem, here ya go. (Stands up and thwacks at the screen with her extending-pike repeatedly, then sits back down and puts the weapon away.)
TIFA: (as Gungho) I didn't mean to GIVE me injuries, you idiot!

RELM: Wait! Let me thank you. You gave Grandpa a reason to go and defeat something that had tormented him for decades!

CID: (as Relm) His fear of polyester clothing!

Even if YOU were faking, that creature meant business!
GUNGHO: What a granddaughter he's raised! Amazing!
RELM: And what a terrible actor you are! Only STRAGOS could have been taken in by that performance!

RENO: (sarcastically) Well, excuuuuuuuuse me, Princess!

GUNGHO: What the...!


(The scenario of CYAN and Wrexsoul.)


(At Doma Castle. Go to sleep in the bedroom with CYAN in the party.)

AERIS: Ick. No, thank you, Cyan isn't my type--DAMN YOU, Reno! You're rubbing off on me!
RENO: (chuckles evilly)
TIFA: Four...

(In the middle of the night. Three men appear.)
I'm Curley!
I'm Larry!
I'm Moe!
We're the three Dream Stooges!

TIFA: Oh, my, GAWD! Are those REALLY their names?
YUFFIE: Three words, Tifa: Flea, Slash, and Ozzie.
TIFA: Gah. Point.

(Curley) This man's soul is ours!
(Larry) This man's soul is ours!
(Moe) This man's soul is ours!

CID: We @#$^in' heard you the first time!

(Curley) Today we dine well!!!
(Curley jumps into CYAN.)
(Larry) Today we dine well!!!
(Larry jumps into CYAN.)
(Moe) Today we dine well!!!
(Moe jumps into CYAN.)

CLOUD: Now THAT'S a disturbing mental image...


RENO: I give that scream a ten out of ten for drama, but WHO SAID IT?!!


(Inside CYAN's soul. A strange catacomb of stairs and doors.)

CID: Sounds like my ol' toolshed...

(If you approach the Three Dream Stooges without finding all the party members around, not all the stooges will be there.)
(Stooge) Back off! I'm not gonna mess with ya unless my brothers are here! See ya!
(When all the party members have been found and accounted for.)
(Stooges) We're the three Dream Stooges! Good, everyone's here! Let's rumble!

RENO: (chanting) Let's get ready to--RUM-BLE!!

(Battle with Larry, Moe and Curley.)

YUFFIE: Which the player will probably loose through simply LAUGHING too hard at their names to pay attention to the damage numbers on the screen...


(Another part of CYAN's soul. A train, like the Phantom Train. A grey CYAN jumps, then falls, and runs off.)

CLOUD: It's the Disoriented Express!

_________________________________________________________ _____________

(Another part of CYAN's soul. A grey CYAN and the party are both piloting Magitek Armor. Grey soldiers chase CYAN. CYAN crosses a bridge, then falls through it.)

CID: (shaking his head sadly) They just don't bridges the way they used to...


(Another part of CYAN's soul. A replica of Doma Castle.)
[NOTE: I apologize for not getting the dialogue between CYAN and his family in his family's chambers; the dialogue proceeds automatically.)
(In the throne room.)
(Elayne) Please... Save

RENO: (as Elayne) My collection of collectable "Star Trek" figurines...

my husband... Save CYAN...
Where are we?!
(Elayne) We're inside...CYAN's soul... My husband...CYAN continues to torture himself...

AERIS: (as Morticia Addams) Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's MY job.

He failed to defend Doma... The world's slowly dying...and then there's his family...

CLOUD: Have you SEEN them? Talk about a bunch of oinkers!

(Owain) A beast known as Wrexsoul is taking advantage of him.
(Elayne) Wrexsoul is a composite monster, made up of

YUFFIE: Popsicle sticks, pipe-cleaners, pencils, glue, and glitter sprinkles...

wretched spirits who were dispatched in meaningless wars.
(Owain) They're wreaking havoc in Papa! Please help him!
(Elayne) Please...help CYAN...
(Owain) Papa doesn't deserve this...!
(Wrexsoul appears.)

AERIS: Ah, now that's a professional actor. Right on cue.

You must be Wrexsoul! We want CYAN back!!
(Wrexsoul) You're too late! His pain has reached critical mass! Nothing can stop his feelings of

RENO: (as Wrexsoul) Giddiness, euphoria, and a slight itch in his left big toe!

rage and despair! I grow stronger now, with his anger, hatred and guilt! And I hunger for...

CID: (as Wrexsoul) Some decent fried rice!


AERIS: I think Wrexsoul is channeling Sang-Drax here...

(Battle with Wrexsoul begins.)
(Wrexsoul) I'm gonna possess your

YUFFIE: (as Wrexsoul) House!

body! I'll only appear in this form again when you're about to expire!
(When Wrexsoul is defeated, the battle ends.)

TIFA: That IS generally when the battle would end, yes. Either that or when the good guys get bumped off.

CYAN: Thanks be to you. I heard my wife and children calling out to me! Their voices finally gave me the strength and courage to come to grips with my

CLOUD: (as Cyan) Addiction to soap operas...

own suffering. Elayne... Owain...
ELAYNE: Thank you my love...
OWAIN: Papa's strong!
CYAN: No... I didn't do anything...then...and I can't now... I'm a man with no

TIFA: (as Cyan) Underwear...
AERIS: EEeeww, Tifa, thanks for sharing!
RENO: (squirming) No underwear...and he's wearing armour. That sounds REALLY uncomfortable!

(Elayne) No! You have suffered too much... My beloved... We'll always be together...

YUFFIE: (singing softly) Somedayyy, we'll be togeetherrr....

(Owain) Papa... We love you!
CYAN: Please, wait!!
(Elayne and Owain vanish.)
(Voice) We'll always be on your side...

CLOUD: (singing) You got love! Love! Love on your side...

CYAN: Elayne and Owain live on in my heart. I must leave the past behind. I have so much to live for...

CID: (as Cyan) Like badminton, Jello, Tex-Mex 5-Alarm Jalepeno Chili, and my favourite soap operas!

CYAN's soul cleared itself of all doubt and confusion.
CYAN's swordsmanship attained its peak level of skill.

AERIS: Well, that was neat.

(ALL notice that the theater doors are open and the screen is dark.)

CLOUD: Huh. Must've been a short one 'cos we're near the end. Let's move it on out, people!

(They do.)