Living on Video...

(The above is a screenshot taken from my own experience at playing the game Final Fantasy 6...yes I KNOW the characters' actual names are Edgar and Relm, but what you see here is _my_ names for 'em.)

One of the most popular subjects to write fanfics about is video fact, SO popular that many people who should probably be prohibited by law from going anywhere near a keyboard write fanfics alongside the ones who are actually good writers. Here at MSTing in Action, we find the worst video-game-based fics and make fun of them, so you don't have to!
And heck, you can even MST the scripts of the games themselves...sometimes that's even more fun.

"Crimson Horizon", MSTed by a bunch of weirdos in NetRaptor's chatroom.
Original story by: DJMethodist. Rating: PG-13 for adult themes and such.

"Descent" MSTed by Nyperold
Original story by: Aura Starfire. Rating: G. Riffers/Mads: Nyperold and Sue Meerkat and his 'bots, with Someone as a Mad (and possibly a bad guy in Arkanoid?).

"Drug Prower" MSTed by Captain Chaotica!!
Original story by: Jeremy Harper. Rating: PG for mild language and innuendo. Riffers/Mads: Joel and the 'bots in the theater, with Drs. Clayton Forrester and Laurence Erhardt as Mads (Season 1 era....sorta).
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four.

"The Female Factor", MSTed by a bunch of weirdos in NetRaptor's chatroom. Original author: Celestial the Hedgird. Rating: PG-13 for adult themes and such.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three

"Final Fantasy IX", MSTed by Nightshade and Materia.
Original Story by Squaresoft. Rating: PG for mild language and so forth.
Part One, Part Two

"Learning Curve" Co-MSTed by Nyperold AND Gamemaster Anthony
Original Story by: Anthony Bault. Rating: PG for some minor mature things.
Riffers: Nyperold, Sue, Box, Tiff, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Eggman, Rouge, Mario, Yoshi, Peach, Bowser, DK, Link, Zelda, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Kirby, Fox, Capt. Falcon, Ness, Nana, Popo, Samus, and... Gamemaster Anthony. No mads.
Part One, Part Two, Part 3, Part 4

"Lost" MSTed by Nyperold
Original story by: Kiwi Wolf. Rating: PG for a couple of swear words. Riffers: Nyperold, Sue, Box, Tiff, and the main cast of SA2 (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge, Eggman and Amy Rose.) No mads.

"Metamorphosis" MSTed by Nyperold
Original story by: The Outcasts. Rating: PG. Riffers/Mads: Nyperold and his 'bots, with Someone as a Mad.

"Molten" MiSTed by Nyperold Original story by: Adrani. Rating: PG (to be safe). Riffers/Mads: Nyperold and Sue Ricotta Meerkat, Tiff, Box, Amy, Eggman, Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow, Sonic, and Tails. No mads are parked in this fic.

"A MSTing of Final Fantasy 6" by Captain Chaotica!!
Original Script By: Squaresoft. Rating: PG-13 for language and innuendo. Riffers/Mads: Various Final Fantasy 7 characters (they change around a bit over the course of the MSTing).
Part One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, and Fifteen. WHEW!

"Pain And Longing" MSTed by The Outcasts
Original story by: Aura Starfire. Rating: PG for mild gore. Riffers/Mads: The Outcasts (Blaze, Negative Angel, Psycho Orange, Snowflake, Rainbow) with Flame, Positive Demon, and Psymanik Deprezion as Mads.
Part One Part Two

"Public Access Weasel"--MSTed by Captain Chaotica!!
Original story by: Julie Greta Fallner. Rating: PG for mild language.
Riffers/Mads: Joel and the 'bots, with Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank.
Part One Part Two

"Sea the Light" MSTed by The Outcasts.
Original story by: Nyperold. Rating: G to PG for some of Riffer's comments (dark comments, violence). Generally all G rated.
Riffers/Mads: Outcast's own characters: Blaze, Negative Angel, Pyscho Orange, Snowflake, and Rainbow in the theater, with Flame as an (unseen) Mad.

"Sonic Adventure 2 Soundtrack Lyrics"--MSTed by Nyperold.
Original by: Um, whoever wrote those lyrics? Rating: G to _perhaps_ PG for like ONE, mild, swear word.
Riffers: Nyperold's own characters--Nyperold, Box, and Tiff, and the entire main cast of SA2 (Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Rouge, Shadow, Eggman and Amy Rose.) No mads.
Part One, Part Two

"MiST of the MiST of Sonic Adventure: The Arcadian Adventure" MSTed by Nyperold
Original MST by: Anthony Bault. Original Story by: Anthony Bault. Rating: PG for some minor mature things in the original MST
Riffers: Nyperold, Sue, Box, Tiff, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Eggman, Rouge, Mario, Yoshi, Peach, Bowser, DK, Link, Zelda, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Kirby, Fox, C. Falcon, Ness, Nana, Popo, and *pants* Samus. No mads.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

"Sonic Beyond: Jealousy"--MSTed by Captain Chaotica!!
Original by: Sonique Rating: PG due to some swearing...on both the part of the riffs AND the fic itself.
Riffers/Mads: An experimental "KTMA" era MSTing, complete with "phone calls" from the audience. Riffers are of course Joel and the 'bots; Mads are Drs. Clayton Forrester and Laurence Erhardt. (And this HTML version--only available _here_, at MSTing in Action--has visual aids, too.)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four.

"Trapped" MSTed by Nyperold
Original story by Dr. Sipp. Rating: PG for one instance of mild language, and gore (warned about partway through so you can skip it if need be). Riffers/Mads: Nyperold and Sue Meerkat and his 'bots. No Mads wander through this fic.
Part 1 Part 2


8697 video game fans have come here, but they all got blasted into their component pixels!