By Captain Chaotica!!
RATING: PG-13 for language and some innuendo, but nothing really hentai.
Cries of pain and anguish assaulted the six unwilling game-players' ears as they poured out of the theater. They all looked at each other in confusion. The sounds were coming out of the intercomm on the walls.
Aeris was the first to speak up. "Uh....Rufus...?" she said apprehensively. She started to say "Are you all right?" and then realised that that was NOT the sort of thing a good guy was supposed to say to a bad guy, so she amended it to, "What's going on up there?!"
"I'm fine," came the cool, sneering, arrogant voice of the yellow-orange-haired young tyrant. "But Sephiroth isn't."
"Hey, Sephy-babe's back?" asked Yuffie. "About TIME, we've been doing this entire experiment so far under the supervision of a SIDEKICK! It's the LEAST we can ask to be tortured by the main villian!"
Rufus bristled at the name "sidekick" and flipped his hair out of his eyes in his characteristically vain gesture. Again, the President showed an AMAZING talent for getting facial expressions and body language across on a sound-only medium. Nobody knew HOW he did it, but they all agreed that he did. "Hmph!" he snarled. "'Sephy-babe' says that if you call him that again, he will personally shove a Meteor up your Southern Crater, if you get my drift. Do you even SLIGHTLY want to know WHY he's moaning and whimpering like that?"
"Not really." smirked Reno, cleaning his fingernails with a stilletto he'd had tucked away somewhere all this time. "Not my lookout."
A new voice came over the intercomm; it was a rather deep male voice with a slight hint of some exotic accent. "Reno? Is that you?"
"TSENG! Boss! Dude! Hi! Get me out of here!" exclaimed Reno, leaping to his feet so fast that his sunglasses fell down over his eyes for the first time in their existence. (The sunglasses' existence, not the eyes.)
"Sorry, I can't do that," said the long-haired Oriental Turk, "I don't have the powers necessary to undo the sealing spell that Sephiroth has put on the theater doors. But I promise you, you WILL be avenged. NOBODY messes with the Turks and gets away with it. Nobody."
"Any chance you could 'avenge' me now instead of AFTER I've suffered...?"
"Um...that's not the way 'avenging' works, Reno." came Tseng's terribly calm voice.
"Damn." The scrawny redhead fell into a sullen silence and put his sunglasses back in their accustomed place.
"If you're all QUITE through," Rufus pronounced every syllable with a crystal coldness that could have made an icicle shiver, "I'd like to let you all know that Sephiroth--"
"--is going to be down for a while yet, because he was, pardon me, an IDIOT and went down to the beach in Costa Del Sol, the sunniest place in the entire world, with pure white skin and NO SUNBLOCK, and now--"
"--he's so red he's almost radioactive. I mean, you could practically roast marshmallows on his forehead. Not that I've tried that, but Tseng has, and he assures me they're delicious. At any rate, that means you will have to deal with ME a while longer, my little pretties--" here Rufus threw his head back, which somehow the MSTers could "see" him doing in their minds, and let out with a maniacal cackle worthy of Dr. Hojo, "so you had BETTER not piss me off! BWAHAHAHA!!! Scarlet, send them the next part of the movie!"
"Scarlet?" Cloud muttered under his breath. "Geez, how many people are IN there...?"
"We don't know where they're broadcasting from," Tifa pointed out. "We've been assuming some small room or back closet somewhere, but it could be Shinra Headquarters for all we know."
"Good point." Cloud grimaced.
"Your game-piece today," came the screechy, annoying tones of Scarlet, Head of Sleeping Arou--I mean, uh, Weapons Development--"is a big load of totally useless dreams, hallucinations and flashbacks that is nothing but backstory and does not move the story ahead AT ALL! KYA, haa, haa! Enjoy!" She shrieked her fingernails-on-a-blackboard laugh again and pushed a button of some kind with an audible click.
"MOVIE SIIIIIGGGGNNNNN!!" yelled Aeris, and they all piled into the theater.
TIFA: Didn't I ask you not to do that, Aeris?
AERIS: Sorry. Got caught up in the moment.
(If EDGAR and SABIN come along and arrive at Figaro Castle,)
SABIN: This's like old times! I have to wander around for a while!
CLOUD: (as Sabin) Yes, let me now totally waste some game time when the player would much rather be controlling it themselves!
(Once you go to bed,
YUFFIE: Wait--once YOU go to bed? Wouldn't that mean that you're no longer playing the game, so you can't SEE what happens next?
a scene unfolds at night. SABIN is in the throne
RENO: (as Sabin) HA, ha, ha! It is all MINE!! My idiot brother never knew how to rule, but now, with his worthless head on a pike by the Castle gates, I, Sabin Rene Figaro, will show the kingdom what a REAL King truly is!!
AERIS: Reno, have I mentioned that you scare me?
RENO: Several times, I believe. Why?
SABIN: Hmm... Castle hasn't changed much...
And yet it's all different... Mom and Dad are gone...
Everyone's gone... Since that day...
(Flashback starts.)
YUFFIE: (waves her arms around and sings harp "flashback" music.)
Tonight took a turn for the worse.
CLOUD: I started to talk in verse.
TIFA: And I lost my favourite purse.
CID: So then I started to curse.
AERIS: What ARE you guys quoting from?
CID: Nothin'. We're just bein' weird.
No...he can't be dead!
Matron, the King's...
RENO: Actually been a woman all this time!
CLOUD: Then where did Sabin and Edgar come from....?...OH...
(SABIN runs, and EDGAR chases him. SABIN sits on the steps outside.)
AERIS: Didn't run very far, did he?
SABIN: I can't believe it he's...
(EDGAR arrives.)
SABIN: Waa, ahhh, ahhh...
CLOUD: That is one weird way to show crying.
CID: (shrugging) Sabin's just like that.
EDGAR: So... They went and told you...
(Matron arrives.)
MATRON: Edgar! Here you are... Your father... He just uttered his last wish that
CID: The two of you always have as much Jello as you ever want, whenever you want...
AERIS: Knock it OFF with the Jello! You're starting to seriously disturb me...
Figaro be divided between you...
SABIN: This is NONSENSE!! Everyone's saying that the Empire poisoned Dad... And the only thing on your minds is "Who's going to be the next king?!" You're all pathetic!
YUFFIE: Well, it IS kind of an important question...
SABIN: No one cared when Mom passed away, either...
RENO: No-one NOTICED when Mom passed away, for that matter. It took the servants weeks to figure out that her stony silences meant she was dead, and not part of her usual behaviour!
MATRON: That's not...
SABIN: You were as bad as any of 'em!
SABIN: Empire of murderers... They won't get away with this!
EDGAR: Matron... Please leave us.
TIFA: (as Edgar) And please get yourself a proper name. Who the heck wants to be called "Matron" all their life?!
(Up on the lookout tower.)
CLOUD: (starts to sing "All Along the Watchtower"...horribly off-key).
SABIN: I'm outta here! I'm forsaking this war-sick realm for my dignity and freedom. You said you were sick of it too, right?!
EDGAR: ...freedom... What'll happen to this realm if we both leave?
RENO: Dancing in the streets and general hoopla comes to mind.
And what would Dad say...?
AERIS: Well, since he's dead, I would imagine he'd say, "....."
CID: So, just like any other Squaresoft character when they're still alive, then, huh?
EDGAR: SABIN, let's settle whis with a toss of a coin. If it's heads, you win. We'll choose whichever path we want, without any regrets. Okay?
This is for Dad!
CLOUD: Ya know, somehow, I don't think their dad would have been happy to see his sons GAMBLING to decide the kingdom's future...
(EDGAR throws the coin high in the air. The flashback ends.)
EDGAR: And then, you opted for your freedom.
(EDGAR comes out from around the corner.)
EDGAR: It's been...ten years. The little shrimp's grown into a
whopping lobster.
SABIN: And you're a king crab!
TIFA: What's with all the seafood references? Figaro is in a DESERT, not near the ocean!
EDGAR: SABIN... I often wonder if he'd be proud of me...
SABIN: Don't you ever doubt that!
RENO: Yeah, you can be POSITIVE he's ashamed of you!
EDGAR: Ten years...
SABIN: Where has the time gone...?
EDGAR: Here's to a couple of confused grownups!
Here's to Dad...
SABIN: Mom... ...and to Figaro.
AERIS: Ya know, the sad scenes are really HARD to riff. I almost feel we shouldn't sometimes, but if we didn't, we'd probably get in trouble.
(Dream Two. Clyde and Baram are in the Phantom Forest.)
YUFFIE: (singing) "I'm livin' in the forest of the dreams! I know the night is not as it would seem..."
CLOUD: (commercial announcer voice) Buy Final Fantasy 6 today and recieve a free soundtrack CD, with songs sung by our own Yuffie Kisargi! This offer not available in stores!
BARAM: Yahoooo! We did it, Clyde!
TIFA: Webring! Homesteader! E-Bay...Oh, I give up...
CLYDE: A million GP! What a blast! I love this!
BARAM: Guess it's time to change our name.
CLYDE: Our name?
CID: (as Clyde) What do you mean, "our" name? Are we MARRIED or something?!
BARAM: We need something more...appropriate.
RENO: (as Baram) Well, we're an infamous thieving couple, and your name is already "Clyde", so I'll change my name to...Bonnie! Yeah! I'll need a new wardrobe, though...
CLYDE: Such as...?
BARAM: ...SHADOW! Not bad, huh?
CLYDE: Great train robbers of the century...SHADOW...?
CLOUD: Cool name, but which ONE of us gets to be "Shadow"?
YUFFIE: (singing) "The power of the dreaaaammmm...."
TIFA: Are you going to sing a "dream" song for every single one of these?
YUFFIE: I intend to try.
TIFA: (to Cloud) Can I switch seats with you?
(Dream Three. Clyde and Baram are at the bottom of Barren Falls, and
AERIS: Suddenly notice that the scriptwriter has learned how to spell "Barren" right!
OTHERS: Ooohhh....
Baram is wounded.)
CLYDE: Open your eyes!
BARAM: I'm scared...hack, cough... this MY blood...?
RENO: (as Baram) I' used to being covered with OTHER people's blood...
CLYDE: You're gonna be okay!
BARAM: I've let you down... I'm sorry...
CLYDE: Save your strength. We're almost to a town.
CLOUD: And we all know, sleeping in an Inn can cure ANYthing!
TIFA: Even death! Up to a point...
AERIS: Yeah. That point being the script. You NEVER die in an RPG, no matter how many times you get defeated in battle, until the STORY decides it would be a good dramatic plot-point to have you bumped off.
BARAM: You don't have to pretend. I know. I've lost...too much blood. Get going! I'm gonna slow you down.
CLYDE: But...!
BARAM: You wanna get caught?
(Clyde starts to leave.)
BARAM: Before you go... You have to use your knight...
CID: "Use your knight"? Are they playing chess?
YUFFIE: I think he means his sword.
BARAM: Think what they'll do to me if I get caught. I don't want to go through that. Do me this favor. Are you...shaking? I can't believe it! You're acting like a coward! Come on, you weakling! Grab the knife and...
BARAM: Clyde!!!
CLYDE: I'm sorry...
(Clyde runs away, leaving Baram on the river bank.)
TIFA: What a friend. Lets him bleed to death.
YUFFIE: Especially since there's a chance he could still live. Our author's mother once lost over TWO-THIRDS of her blood, and came out of it just fine! Didn't have any heart problems or anything. True story.
(YUFFIE opens her mouth. RENO puts his nightstick alongside her neck and very slowly and ostentatiously reaches for the button to charge it up. YUFFIE closes her mouth. RENO removes the nightstick and tucks it away in his jacket.)
AERIS: That was a little extreme, Reno.
RENO: You all seem to be forgetting that I'm NOT a good guy. (Notices others pulling away from him and turning pale.) Oops, sorry. I think all these depressing flashbacks about people dying and whatnot are making my "dark factor" go into overdrive.
YUFFIE: Wouldn't a' worked, anyway. I palmed the batteries hours ago. Hee hee!
(Dream Four. Clyde is in a strange town. A woman approaches him with a large dog.)
(Woman) Hey...HEY! Stay with me now!
(Woman) A small village called Thama... Hang in there!
(Clyde follows the woman.)
CID: Well, that was interest--HUH?!
CLOUD: What was all that FOR, anyway?!
YUFFIE: If you play further on into the game, and have a good memory, it's supposed to give you hints as to the some of the characters' REAL relationships to each other.
TIFA: (sarcastically) Whoopee.
RACHEL: LOCKE! What are we off to find today?
LOCKE: Soon, you'll...You're not going to believe what awaits us up here! Come on, it's worth a fortune!
(LOCKE steps on a bridge, and it begins to collapse underneath him.)
CLOUD: Locke needs to stop hittin' the doughnuts so hard.
RACHEL: LOCKE! Look out!
(Rachel pushes LOCKE off the bridge, but then falls.)
AERIS: Well, THAT was certainly the act of a caring friend! He's already falling so she PUSHES him to make SURE he falls?!
YUFFIE: What actually happened was that she pushed him onto the LEDGE that the bridge was attached to, so that he was on solid ground again. But the scriptwriter didn't describe it right.
LOCKE: Rachel!!
(LOCKE jumps down to save Rachel.)
(Back at Rachel's home in Kohlingen.)
RENO: GYAAAHHH!! I'm getting time-sick...
LOCKE: Rachel! Are you awake?
RACHEL: ... ......? I...I can't remember anything...
(LOCKE is surprised.)
CID: Yeah, usually when people fall off a bridge they're just FINE!
AERIS: A-HA, notice the paralells here! Terra couldn't remember anything either, and Locke said that she "reminded him of someone he used to know"...
YUFFIE: You're catching on!
(Outside of Rachel's home. LOCKE is kicked out forcefully.)
CLOUD: An experience that I would imagine young Locke is quite used to by now.
RACHEL'S DAD: Get outta here! It's your fault she's
RENO: Pregnant!
lost her memory!
LOCKE: Wait a minute! She said "Yes!" We were gonna...
RACHEL: Go! I don't know who you are, but ever since you came here my parents have been upset!
AERIS: sad! They were engaged, and now she doesn't even care about his existence! (Sniff)
(A friend arrives.)
CID: Anybody's friend in particular, or just generally well-disposed to people?
(Man) You'd best leave Rachel alone. She's going to have to make a new start of it. LOCKE... Your being here doesn't help.
(End flashback.)
TIFA: Now I'M getting timesick!
LOCKE: A year passed... When I returned here, I learned that Rachel had perished in an Imperial attack. Her memory returned just before she passed away. The last thing she uttered name... I never should have left her side. I...I failed her...
(AERIS, TIFA, and YUFFIE all sniffle into handkerchiefs that appeared out of seemingly nowhere, and the three guys all look down and say nothing.)
(In the basement of LOCKE's home. A very weird man is watching over Rachel, who is laying on a bed.)
AERIS: I love when we get to see the scriptwriter's opinions of people like's just SO enlightening...
(Man) Oh! Is that you, LOCKE? It's been a while! Uh? Oh, that?! Worry not! Your treasure's quite safe! Uwa, ha, ha!
(Man) I used some herbs to put her into suspended animation. She
won't age a day! Uwaa, ha! That's what you wanted, right? Had to use my herbs, I did!
TIFA: Herbal Essences suspended-animation forumla! For a truly "organic" cryogenetic experience!
AERIS: Isn't that what Sephiroth uses on his hair...?
(Flashback begins. Same location.)
CID: Same flashback time, same flashback station!
LOCKE: Rachel...You mean those herbs have actually saved her?
(Man) Of course! The love of your life will sleep here like this
forever. Kwa, ha, ha!
CLOUD: Uh, Scarlet's a chick, in case you didn't notice.
RENO: I'd have to be BLIND not to notice, what with that dress she likes to "wear" and that figure more exaggerated than Tifa's. But, I'm not so sure...
TIFA: (as Jessica Rabbit, sultrily) I'm not REALLY bad. I'm just rendered that way!
LOCKE: What if there were some way her back?
CID: You could always try hitting "redial".
(Man) If you could call her back...she'd come back! Wah, ha, ha! I'm sure you'll find something that'll bring her around! Kuha, ha, ha!!
(Evil laughter echoes through the movie theater)
RUFUS (from the intercomm): My plan is working! The game's not even half-finished and I've already broken one of their minds! BWAHAHA!!
(RENO calms down immediately.)
(Flashback ends.)
YUFFIE: Oooofff...bad enough I get motion sickness on every single vehicle, but THIS...
LOCKE: I...failed her...
(Everyone walks back upstairs.)
(If CELES is in the party too, she'll come downstairs again.)
YUFFIE: And we're back in the present!
CLOUD: And there was MUCH rejoicing!
ALL: (dully) Yay.
(Up in Zozo Tower. TERRA is found, but she's asleep.)
YUFFIE: Whoah, whoah, whoah, BACK it up a bit here. He cut out the entire Zozo adventure part! It's a totally cool thieves' town. There's enemies in it; even in the buildings, it's not safe like a normal town, and everybody keeps trying to steal from you. There are all these puzzles you have to figure out, people lying and giving you the wrong clues, a part where you have to figure out how to reset an old clock so that a secret door opens, jumping from building to building through the windows, great stuff. All kinds of skullduggery and plotting and scheming and danger, and all done to a really cool slinky-sounding, catchy, old-fashioned-y background tune, and in the rain. At night.
RENO: Dang. Sounds like my kinda place! What kind of drinks do they serve there...?
YUFFIE: And this is also where Edgar gets his chainsaw, which I mentioned earlier.
(TERRA leaps out of bed, and jumps around disoriented.)
RAMUH: She's scared, you know.
CLOUD: Ah, what a wuss. Whenever I turn into a naked pink thing and fly away, it doesn't bother me at all!
CID: It certainly does bother the people around you, though.
(An old man appears out of nowhere.)
"Who're you?"
RAMUH: This girl is your friend?
TIFA: Ramuh? WAIT a minute, wait a minute, waitaminute, Ramuh, as in, the Summon Materia? The old dude on top of the mountain that grows up from the ground in seconds, and then he sends lighting at everyone? "Judgement Bolt"--THAT guy?
YUFFIE: Yep. Basically. Only, magic works a LEETLE bit different...
"Is TERRA alright?"
RAMUH: You call her TERRA... ...TERRA?? How odd...
RENO: (as Ramuh) I call her Captain Fluffypants Hogbottom the Third.
RAMUH: She is undamaged. But I fear she can't understand you. As for me, I am Ramuh. The Esper, Ramuh.
"But don't Espers live in another world?"
RAMUH: That doesn't mean we don't live here, too. Espers take a
variety of forms. Sometimes we live here, taking the shape of humans. You have nothing to fear from us.
CID: (as Ramuh) Except for the possibility that you'll all suddenly wake up murdered in your beds one morning.
"Why do you hide the fact that you're Espers?"
AERIS: Well, DUH, a little thing called, ya know, PREDJUDICE? Hell-LOOO...!
RAMUH: Humans and Espers can't survive together.
LOCKE: But my grandma told me that Espers and people once lived side by side! Was that just a fairy tale?
RAMUH: No, that was no fairy tale.
TIFA: (as Ramuh) That was a hallucination. Your grandmother was off the deep end, son.
That was true. We started out as friends. Then along came the War of the Magi...
War of the Magi...
RAMUH: It took place...long ago. Espers fought humans who were
infused with magical powers extracted from Espers... Fearing our
magical powers would once again become a target, we fashioned a new realm, and moved there.
RENO: (as Ramuh) But we moved back here because the housing costs are just so EXPENSIVE in those alternate dimensions...!
[NOTE: I apologize for not getting down the clip from this point right here; I couldn't transcribe the script fast enough. But it talks about how humans stumbled over the realm, and started hunting for Espers, and about Gestahl's ambition.]
CLOUD: Well, hi there, scriptwriter! Glad you could join us!
RAMUH: In response to this, we erected a doorway, and threw the humans out.
AERIS: (as Lisa Simpson) Stop throwing garbage into our dimension!
Even as we speak, many of my kind are trapped in the Empire's Magitek Research Facility, being... ...drained of their powers... I fled here to avoid a similar fate.
(The party carries TERRA back to her bed.
RAMUH: That's right, relax.
RAMUH: I sensed that TERRA was in trouble.
CID: Not too hard a thing to "sense". She's ALWAYS in trouble!
My magic...summoned her here.
"TERRA's an...Esper?"
RAMUH: No, she's actually quite different.
TIFA: She's actually a box of chocolates.
(OTHERS all look at her funny)
TIFA: What, I can't be the Bizzarre One every now and then?!
"TERRA looks like she's in pain."
RAMUH: Her very existance strikes fear into her own heart.
AERIS: Ah, like Vincent, poor guy...(shakes her head sadly)
"How can we help her?"
YUFFIE: By stabbing her through the heart with a wooden stake, cutting off her head, burning the body, and then mixing the ashes with bits of holy wafers. Or is it, "shoot her with a silver bullet"? I forget.
TIFA: Ummm...who are you talking about, here?
RAMUH: When she accepts this aspect of herself, I think she'll be alright.
"We have to do something!"
RAMUH: Then free those of my kind imprisoned in Gestahl's Magitek
Research Facility. One of them can surely help her.
"If we find the Magitek Research Facility, you're sure we'll find your people?"
RAMUH: Like a coward, I escaped leaving the others there. It'll be the end of them...
CLOUD: So why don't YOU go back and rescue them yourself, you old wuss?!
"What do you mean?"
RAMUH: Gestahl's methods are incorrect. You can't drain a live Esper of all its power. It is only when we are reduced to Magicite that our abilities can be transferred in total...
AERIS: Boy, am I REALLY glad that there aren't any Espers in our universe. I shudder to think what would happen to them if Hojo ever found out...
RAMUH: When we transform into Magicite, our power can be relocated.
CID: (as Ramuh) Would you please QUIT repeating everything I say?!
RAMUH: That's what's left of us when we...pass away.
(Ramuh reveals three Magicite stones.)
RAMUH: These are my comradfes who fell while escaping the Empire. And I will give you my power, as well...
(Ramuh turns to Magicite, lighting up the room.)
RENO: Boy, that Ramuh is one guy who can really light up a room. Usually by leaving it! Ba-DUM-ching!
"Old man... Are you really gone...?"
"He traded his power, so that others might live..."
"TERRA wait for us. We'll be back!"
AERIS: (as Terra) Okay! I'm still in a coma and stuff, so that shouldn't be any problem!
(Talking to Ramuh's Magicite.)
CLOUD: Wait...talking to a DEAD guy?! This is getting truly weird...
CID: "Getting"?
"Why are you doing this..."
RAMUH: We few can help save many. The War of the Magi must not be repeated...
(Received the Esper "Ramuh".)
(Received the Esper "Kirin". Received the Esper "Siren". Received the Esper "Stray".)
RENO: (singing) Stray cat strut, he's a lady's cat...
YUFFIE: Think of "Espers" as like chunks of Materia, with specific spells that you can learn from each one. Some have overlapping spells, but there's only ONE of each kind. The really key difference, however, is that once you've learned the spells, you can give the Esper to someone else in your party and STILL KEEP the spells from it! So, after you've learned, say, Ultima, from the Ragnarok Esper, you can give Ragnarok to somebody else and still have Ultima! In time, if you work hard at it, you can pretty much give EVERYbody in your party EVERY single spell.
CLOUD: NEAT! Boy, I sure wish Materia worked like that...Because if it did, we wouldn't have suddenly become completely spell-less when YOU stole it all!
YUFFIE: (attempts to hide in her seat) Eep.
At the bottom of the room, the rest of the party left behind in Narshe is waiting.)
"Let's talk on the way."
CID: "Let's give the player some more exposition."
(On the way down Zozo Tower.)
(EDGAR is talking to CYAN.)
EDGAR: The Empire is trying to drain magic from Espers.
RENO: (as Cyan) Like, DUH, I was, like, there, ya know.
(SABIN is talking to CELES.)
SABIN: This can't be true... CELES...
CELES: I don't remember because I was asleep when they...augmented me. But I've heard rumors to that effect.
CLOUD: (as Celes) And I wonder how my dear old mother, Jenova, is doing...
(At the entrance of Zozo.)
CYAN: Then we're going in...
EDGAR: We'd best split into two groups. We stil need to beef up our defense in Narshe.
YUFFIE: Of course, the four-person battle set-up has NOTHING to do with this decision. Nope. Nothing at all.
CLOUD: FOUR? Man, these guys in these earlier games got ALL the breaks..!
CYAN: Indeed.
CELES: I'll go to the Empire. I know it well...
SABIN: But alone...?
LOCKE: Don't worry, I'll go with her.
TIFA: (as Celes) Oh, darn! Now I won't be able to report on your activities to Emperor Gestahl...erm, I mean...uh...
CYAN: You need a hand?
SHADOW: There's no need for me to remain with you.
(SHADOW leaves.)
AERIS: Again? When was he HERE?!
LOCKE: Please wait for us in Narshe. We'll find our way back safely.
CYAN: If you wish to change group members, head for Narshe.
CLOUD: To call party members, use the PHS system!
(The remaining unchosen party members leave.)
TIFA: (sulkily, as "unchosen party member") Sniff! I know when I'm not wanted! Boo-hoo!
CELES: we gonna get there? The Empire's on the continent to the south. No boats go there...
LOCKE: The people of Jidoor, a town to the south, can probably help us.
CELES: Why are you coming with me?
RENO: (as Locke) Because you're a blonde babe with really big MMMPPH!
(TIFA holds her hand over his mouth)
LOCKE: Well... There's bound to be treasures there. And besides, I've always wanted an inside look at the Empire!
[NOTE: The following parts of the script also contain additional lines by other characters, depending if you brought them along or not. I don't have the scripts to these characters (except for a few parts), but I do know that CYAN, EDGAR, SABIN and GAU do have their own lines every now and then.]
CLOUD: Why, thank you for sharing, Mr. Scriptwriter!
The lights come back up and the movie screen turns off.