Cartoon Heroes!

The above collage was made by Captain Chaotica!! and despite its messy nature was REALLY hard to make, because the only image-editing program she has is Paint. So don't go stealin' it or nothin'. All characters copyright their respective owners.)

Toons, toons, toons! Here you'll find MSTings of all kinds of fanfics based off of all kinds of cartoons (those of you who are purist or elitist about things--sorry, but we are NOT dividing the anime and Western stuff into seperate categories)--but all the stories have one thing in common: They're all BAD! There's something for everyone here--why don'tcha draw yourself a chair, sit down, relax, and join us? Mind the turpentine.

"Changes for Jodie"--MSTed by Robin and Sherrie.
Original author: Robin. Riffers/Mads: This is in the MALT3K continuity again (but not related to the other two stories) and therefore the characters are: Mulan, Tarzan, and Clopin in the theater (and with a special guest riffer in the third part...Duo Maxwell?!) with Rasputin, Gaston, the Genie and Gizmoduck as Mads (those last two, against their will.) The first part of this is a spam from Angelfire but it DOES turn into a cartoon-based story, I promise...
Rating: PG-13 for some adult themes in the jokes, but nothing TOO bad.
Part One Part Two Part Three

"Mission to Mars"--MSTed by Bridget, Larissa, Robin, and Chuck.
Original author: Pandora Spocks. Riffers/Mads: This is the third MALT3K MSTing and the comes after "The World is Not Enough" in Pandora's..."continuity, so the riffers are Clopin, Tarzan, and Mulan, as usual, with Rasputin and Gaston as the Mads and the Genie and Gizmoduck as their unwilling sidekicks.
Rating: PG-13 for some adult themes on some of the jokes, but nothing too bad...
Part One Part Two

"The World is Not Enough"--MSTed by Bridget, Larissa, Robin and Chuck.
(No, this is NOT the Bond movie of the same title...)
Original story by: Pandora Spocks. Riffers/Mads: This is the second MALT3K MSTing, so the riffers in the theater are Clopin, Tarzan and Mulan. The Mads are played by Rasputin and Gaston, with the Geneie and Gizmoduck as unwilling "sidekicks".
Rating: Er, probably about PG, due to some adult themes and somewhat bad language, but nothing _really_ nasty.


3404 intrepid Toons have visited this page since April 6, 2003... but they were all SENT...TO ANOTHER DIMENSION! (snicker)