(Above collage was made by Captain Chaotica on "Turkey Day" 2005, in honour
of MST3K's 17th anniversary, and represents all the major "eras" of the show. Aww.)
Welcome to MSTing in Action, a brand-new MST site with none of the stuffy
overblown rules or hugely slow backlogs of other name-brand MSTing sites!
Want to send in your MSTings in HTML instead of plain text? Mad at
Fanfiction.net for taking down the MSTing category? Don't want to wait for sites such as S.V.A.M. to update?
Then THIS is the MSTing site for you! "MSTing in Action" is small for now but we hope that soon this site will
be huge. And it will be contributors like YOU who make it that way. (Of course,
us webmasters are also MSTers ourselves. :))
Enjoy your visit!
Captain Chaotica!!, Associate Webmistress.
And if you have any questions, you can e-mail us, or drop by the message board.
Wanna submit a MST of your own? Well, drop us a line and we'll put it up for you!
So just remember- view these MSTs at your own risk! We are not responsible for split sides
and other MST-reading related injuries. *silly grin*
Supertails, Associate Webmaster
NEW MSTings as of August 18, 2004! Check out the "Games" page for "Crimson Horizon" and the first two parts of "Female Factor".
Choose Your Category
Animation MSTings
Fans of animated shows (both Western and Eastern styles) can sure come up with some STINKY stuff...Here, we
make fun of the worst animation-based fanfics to save your sanity!
Spam and Junk
Spam! You know it. You hate it. You KNOW you want to see it MSTed.
Video Games
MSTings of both video-game-based fanfics, and the games themselves.
Other Stuff
Pictures from the MSTings, the MSTed stories themselves, or the original show, MST3K itself. If you have something like this, feel free to send it in!
About Us Come, meet the owners of MSTing in Action! We promise we won't bite...much.
MST3K and all related indicia are (c) Best Brains, Inc. 1988-1999. All other copyrighted
characters mentioned within these pages are (c) to their own companies; those characters that were
made up by fans are owned by the fans who made them up, duh.
No profit is being made from this page, it's just for personal fun and amusement. Thank you
and please don't sue us...we're all dirt-poor anyway and you'd just waste your time.